Apr 3, 2016

Whale wathing in Zamami, Okinawa

I haven't updated my blog in forever because I am still traveling every day now that my remaining family members have come to Japan - my mum and my 2 siblings.

They only got to stay in Osaka for 3 days before we took a flight to Okinawa and Zamami island.

At Zamami we swam every day and looked at the fishes, and one day we also went out for some whale watching.
The whales come down to the sea near zamami during the winter months but you can still see them in the beginning of  may (they have tours until like the 5th of may or something).
We got really lucky as we got to see a whale jump four times, right next to the boat! Very cool experience!

These photos were taken by the whale watching guide. The under water photo's were taken with a go-pro on a long stick =P

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