May 19, 2016

Donkeys in Japan

For some reason there seem to be a lot of different stores in Japan that include the word "donkey" in their name.
A few days ago I walked past "Snack Donkey", where I am guessing they sell snacks, but it was in the red light district so I didn't enter, lol. I've already walked by "Candy Box" in the red light district hoping they were selling candy. Turns out they were not..

Also there is a very strange chain restaurant here called "Bikkuri Donkey" ("Surprised Donkey") which has nothing to do with donkeys! Neither the interior nor the food is donkey related. How the heck did they come up with this name?
And by the way, Bikkuri Donkey's restaurants look friggin scary, inside and out, I have nooo idea who came up with this concept and why.

Not my pic but I know where this Bikkuri Donkey is, I've seen this scary building irl lol

In Japan there is also of course a store called Donkihote which might sound like it has the word donkey in it but  really it's from the word/name/idk anymore Don Quijote. No idea why they picked that name either..
But people usually just call the store Donki, which sounds like donkey..

Anyway, apart from the 2 mentioned above there have been so many more instances where I have seen stores with the word "donkey" in it and it is just plain weird. Why donkey? Why?

May 9, 2016

Why the sudden lack of interest?

I haven't really been feeling like doing schoolwork lately, though I guess no one really ever does, eh?
But I realized my lack of interest probably lies in a couple of things - first being that I no longer want to work with manga.


When I came to Japan I really did not know anything about manga. I have always drawn manga characters ever since reading my first manga, but I never really knew how the acutal comic was made.

I didn't know that you use these pens you dip in ink, and I had no idea what tones were! It was all new to me.
Another thing I didn't know was that people who want to work with manga all move to Tokyo (which seems like common knowledge among Japanese people)! I don't want to move to Tokyo, dude!

Also, I've heard more and more stories from teachers working as manga assistants, how it is the worst job possible and a really low point in their lives. But if you want to eventually work with your own manga you need to first work as an assistant, and if you want to be an assistant you need to be good at things such as: tones, drawing backgrounds (buildings etc), and I suck at those things!

It's not like I am good at drawing characters either, one of my new teachers told me that I should get better at drawing with the fountain pen, but what the heck, I can't get better just like that even if you tell me! It takes time, all I can do is keep trying.

If I suck at all things assistants need to do, I will not be able to have that work. Probably better if I didn't get it though, cause I know how hard it would be. If it were Sweden it would be fine, but in Japan it's just too crazy and demanding for me.

So basically I've given up on my "dreams" of working with manga, and have put it aside as a hobby like it always has been. The internet is where my manga will be seen, at sites like DA etc.

Apart from this I have also finally found a university program (that also happens to be at my favorite uni) I feel really excited about. I never really knew what I wanted to do, but now I feel pretty sure, and I wish I could enter this program as soon as possible.

With a new goal in sight my will to focus on manga is not that strong. But there is nothing I can do, I've got another year left and I would never forgive myself if I gave up just because I don't want to work with it anymore.

It's hard sometimes, and I forget to be thankful for this opportunity. But if I had never gotten here I probably would never find another goal, because I desperately wanted to get here. So finally I have come to the point where I've moved on from "JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN!" to finding other things I want to do and experience, and that too is a great thing! Gotta keep on fighting because I know that these 2 years here have gone by sooo fast, and so will this last year even though it doesn't feel like it right now.

I miss Sweden, and I know there are so many things I will miss about Japan, Osaka, my friends here, my apartment, my school, my old school etc etc etc. I shouldn't complain, should probably go watch Hetalia instead.. lol

One last hetalia pic

May 2, 2016

Teacher speaking Japanglish to me - aka me pissed af!

Maybe I've talked about this topic before but this just pissed me off so much I had to write about it..

It was last week or something that I had a lesson with a new teacher and this teacher decided to, after having read my manga (the rough draft) to come sit beside me and come redraw the whole thing for me.
It was a bit embarrasing and I felt like because she was "helping" me the other students in the class would not feel comfortable to ask her for help. And she sat with me for almost 1.5 hours! Made me feel fkn guilty, and I hadn't even asked for her help.

I also didn't really want any help with how to better draw my manga, if a teacher does it for me I will just draw what they draw, because I know that I wont be able to come up with something better.
But though that was embarrasing for me the most annoying thing was that this teacher started talking Japanglish to me, which is mixing Japanese with English. And because she cannot speak English most of it was still Japanese.

Maybe they think this way of speaking helps me since "oh, this person doesn't speak Japanese that well!" but it just gets fkn confusing!!
Instead of talking to me about "shojo manga" and "shonen manga" (words that anyone interested in manga will know even if they can't speak Japanese!) she called them "Foo gaaruzu comikkusu" and "Foo boizu kommikusu" (for girls comics, for boys comics). Like, really?!?! This is supposed to be easier for me? No, it just forces me to try and guess what you are trying to say in English.

Had to sit there for almost 1.5 hours talking to her, trying to figure out what she was saying, and resisting the urge to tell her to just fkn speak Japanese. And also, to just stop talking to me whatsoever cuz I'm tired of talking, and you pissed me off and I just want to go home and pretend to have died in an ice age or something.

Honestly I don't really know why it pissed me off so badly, it never has this much before. Maybe it was because she, in front of all my classmates, talked to me like I did not understand any Japanese, and fixed my manga like I had done nothing right, and could never make it good by my own hand. Just made me feel like a kid and out of place and just wanting to never go back there again, fearing I would have the same experience.

Anyway, I quite like that teacher, and while I do understand that her heart is in the right place, she made me feel like shit and that aint good teaching.