May 2, 2016

Teacher speaking Japanglish to me - aka me pissed af!

Maybe I've talked about this topic before but this just pissed me off so much I had to write about it..

It was last week or something that I had a lesson with a new teacher and this teacher decided to, after having read my manga (the rough draft) to come sit beside me and come redraw the whole thing for me.
It was a bit embarrasing and I felt like because she was "helping" me the other students in the class would not feel comfortable to ask her for help. And she sat with me for almost 1.5 hours! Made me feel fkn guilty, and I hadn't even asked for her help.

I also didn't really want any help with how to better draw my manga, if a teacher does it for me I will just draw what they draw, because I know that I wont be able to come up with something better.
But though that was embarrasing for me the most annoying thing was that this teacher started talking Japanglish to me, which is mixing Japanese with English. And because she cannot speak English most of it was still Japanese.

Maybe they think this way of speaking helps me since "oh, this person doesn't speak Japanese that well!" but it just gets fkn confusing!!
Instead of talking to me about "shojo manga" and "shonen manga" (words that anyone interested in manga will know even if they can't speak Japanese!) she called them "Foo gaaruzu comikkusu" and "Foo boizu kommikusu" (for girls comics, for boys comics). Like, really?!?! This is supposed to be easier for me? No, it just forces me to try and guess what you are trying to say in English.

Had to sit there for almost 1.5 hours talking to her, trying to figure out what she was saying, and resisting the urge to tell her to just fkn speak Japanese. And also, to just stop talking to me whatsoever cuz I'm tired of talking, and you pissed me off and I just want to go home and pretend to have died in an ice age or something.

Honestly I don't really know why it pissed me off so badly, it never has this much before. Maybe it was because she, in front of all my classmates, talked to me like I did not understand any Japanese, and fixed my manga like I had done nothing right, and could never make it good by my own hand. Just made me feel like a kid and out of place and just wanting to never go back there again, fearing I would have the same experience.

Anyway, I quite like that teacher, and while I do understand that her heart is in the right place, she made me feel like shit and that aint good teaching.


  1. Hey there, i just felt the urge to comment on this, have you reflected upon this yet? I feel like it's very important for you to realise what this teacher actually did for you. From my perspective it seems as though she went ahead and said to herself that this class ill help this student out because of . She must have seen that you were having trouble in someway or another, and by doing this she completely ignored her other students out of care for you, i feel like if you just told her that your japanese was fine in an polite way, that day would have turned out way different. This is just my perspective however, i could be completely wrong and she was just stupid.

  2. LOL, Bruh, you just need to learn to speak up!
    (Yes that comes from personal experience on my end, as well as yours!)
    You don't have to get angry or embarrassed. I know it might be hard not to. We all have some feelings and/or situations that we cannot control very well. Just tell the teacher that they're confusing you.

    ... Basically, you're being too nice! X'DDD
