May 26, 2015

Second visit to the Pokémon Center in Umeda

There is a Pokémon Center in Daimaru in Umeda, Osaka, Japan. And now I've been there a second time!

If you love Pokémon you should definitely visit. More than once if you have the chance, because this time when I visited they had the stuffed Pikachu I wanted but couldn't find the first time I came there.
They also had a lot of other new products, some which were very unique to say the least.

You can't really buy these "statues"(?) but they are still cool!


A very unique Pikachu


Aaand this one below here is the one I got. Now it's sleeping next to me every night just like my cat does back at home xD this Pikachu takes up a lot more space tho!

May 21, 2015

Nakanoshima Park, Osaka

Very near where I live is a really cool park in the middle of a river that runs through Osaka. The park is long and narrow and has a lot of grass. It's really a great place for a stroll, or a picnic.
There is also a place where you can eat some food while looking out onto the river.

But the reason I went to the park today wasn't really for a stroll or a picnic, (though I did do both of those now that I come to think of it..) but to look at the flowers. This park has a rose garden full of flowers, and living so near I didn't want to miss seeing them.

So since I took some rose-pictures I thought I might as well post them. Altough this park is a lot more than roses and I think most people would like it in many ways!

May 20, 2015

Going to Tokyo during Golden Week

In Japan there is a holiday at the beginning of May called "Golden Week", which isn't necessarily a week long (mine was only four days), and during this holiday people take the time to travel and so did I!

Lucky for me I got a friend to go with me too =)

We went to a bunch of different places including Akihabara, Harajuku, Ginza, Kawagoe and Nagatoro in Saitama etc etc

This is from the first place we went to, the imperial palace.But it wasn't very interesting. It was more like a park than a palace.. =P

I think you can understand that this picture and all the others like it are from Akihabara, lol.
I first saw this ad online, and now I have seen it in real life. The boobs are not flat, but made to stand out from the billboard to look round..

I don't know who thought of this but it "proves" Japans weirdness. Miku: "Please spin it gently"

Found this full sized Miku as well, very cool!

Buildings in Akiba
Birdman is actually standing above the banner o.o

Hello.. Kitty.. ?

When walking around we accidentally ran into a Cinco De Mayo event in Yoyogi(?) Park. It was really fun!

On our second day we went on a boat ride in Kawagoe

After going to Kawagoe we went to Nagatoro to check out "Little Edo" which is supposed to look like a normal town from the Edo period. I found this a very nice place to visit!

They had a bunch of cute and weird animal statues in Nagatoro.

We went to a maid cafe xD it was weird but the food was cute

The last day we went to "Miraikan" (The future institute(?)) which I thought would be a really cool place because of it's name, but it was actually quite boring. But they had a special part you could pay extra to enter and that part was very cool!

This is not from the "special part" of the museum, but I thought it was cool anyway. It is a robot but looks just like a human.

Entering the special exibition! Full of colors and sounds and interactive art

This weird thing is from Harajuku, which is where we went last. Kinda sums up the feel of the place!