Sep 16, 2016

Random quitters in my class

Our school started again after the holiday on the 1st of September and already 2 more people in my class have quit. The weird thing this time though is that both these people were not slackers, they came to class on time and did not skip a lot.

But after the summer holiday one of them just didn't show up at all for all this time, and when I asked another classmate about it they just said it had something to do with youtube and collabs and that they didn't know or couldn't tell me anything else. Now this person has quit school, and they left our class group chat on Line without saying a word.

The other person who quit had been coming to school as usual and just sent a message on Line yesterday that they would quit school because of something concerning their faimly situation, and then they just left the chat.

This all just seems very weird to me, especially since they have been paying for this education for 1.5 years and now only have 6 months left until graduation and their diploma (or w.e it is you get). Now all that money will basically have been wasted. Then again, I don't know if a certificate of having graduated with manga as your main subject would give a lot of jobs, but still.


  1. well, life is a choice. Who knows one of them might be one of the best in their field of choice, just like those famous drop out people, we never know:) The conventional school isn't the only place to

  2. well, life is a choice. Who knows one of them might be one of the best in their field of choice, just like those famous drop out people, we never know:) The conventional school isn't the only place to
